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Remnant Of Fall

Remnant Of Fall

Is it cold outside?  Yes.  Is the fishing any good?  Maybe.  So, should we go fly fishing?  Absolutely!  With temperatures plummeting, fall colors fading & winter right around the corner we made the only logical decision & packed up the rig for a weekend escape to the the North Fork of the Coeur d’Alene River.  From Spokane my brother Andrew I charged east through Idaho’s Fernan Saddle where forest service roads meander deep into the Idaho Panhandle.  The drive alone is as much a part of the adventure as the fishing itself.  Vibrant greens burst in the deep valleys while hints of yellow & orange fade into the hillside.  As we make our final approach through Lieberg saddle & beyond Tepee Creek comes the moment of truth… Is our self-titled pool, “Top Hole,” up for grabs?  The answer.  Yes.  These are the remnants of fall.

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